How Tape It Right Saved A General Manufacturer Time, Labour, & Storage Space

Case Study: General Manufacturer


Pre-sealing boxes was costing a Canadian general manufacturer time and money. Each box needed to have the bottom taped by hand before being stacked and stored for later use. On top of taking up storage space and valuable labour time, the manufacturer’s process was slow and unreliable.

Crawford packing sent a specialist to help diagnose the problem and identify ways to improve the system. Using a Tape It Right audit, the expert found a solution with a Loveshaw Little David LDX-RTB. This machine would allow for both the top and bottom seal to be done at the same time — replacing their previous equipment that was only capable of top seals.

Thanks to the packaging solution tested and proven by a Crawford packaging specialist, the general manufacturer has been able to free up large amounts of floor space. That, combined with the decrease in labour, has helped the business improve their bottom line and define a reliable packaging process.


For a Canadian general manufacturer, valuable storage space was being wasted on pre-sealed boxes. That meant less room for inventory and equipment — all because of outdated sealing equipment. Each box needed to have the bottom seal done by hand before being stored to be used later. To keep up with increasing demand, the manufacturer needed a solution, fast.



A Crawford packaging specialist was called in to find a solution tailored to the general manufacturer’s sealing issue. A Tape It Right audit was conducted, revealing that the case sealer the manufacturer was using was outdated for their process. After consulting with Loveshaw and doing product testing, it was decided that the Little David LDX-RTB case sealer would be the best choice to optimize on space and time.



Tape It Right

Tape It Right works with clients to audit and review their existing case sealing practices and equipment. This will improve sealing efficiency and productivity through the identification and standardization of improved case sealing practices. Through this standardization, Tape It Right has helped businesses save up to 30% on their annual carton sealing costs.


Loveshaw Little David LDX-RTB

The Little David LDX-RTB Semi-Automatic Random Case Sealer is the latest in a series of industrial grade, high-performance case sealers from Little David®. This case sealer is designed to seal random



Reduced Waste

Before having an updated case sealer, the general manufacturer required an employee to hand-tape boxes to be used in the packaging process. Because the Loveshaw can seal the top and bottom, that labour cost can better be applied elsewhere.


Reduced Labour

Taking out the need for pre-taping boxes has allowed the elimination of wasted storage space. The manufacturer can now have more room for inventory and equipment.