Ravenwood Nobac 5000

The Nobac 5000 Linerless Label Applicator is Ravenwood’s flagship machine, suitable for a broad range of food packaging applications.  


  • Guarding allows for better security and access to the machine when needed, allows for protruding products to go through the machine, for more flexibility.
  • Modular construction allows bolt-on or off, twin-head option for non-stop operation
  • Multiple options available for coding systems for both thermal transfer and thermal inkjet, or a combination of both
  • Optional thermal inkjet coding for the edge of cardboard trays
  • Independent driven belt transfer system for easier set up, for different glue line positions
  • New label reel braking system provides better reel control especially on different substrates, such as PP or thicker boards
  • Optional motor adjustment
  • Capable of labelling fixed weight products or linking to weigh-scales for variable-weight or check-weight products
  • Utilizes thin board sleeves with adhesive optimized for specific products
  • Speeds achieved up to 150 ppm (*General range for system. Specific label sizes and speeds agreed at time of build)
  • Labels can be supplied in a range of weights and materials
  • Many label formats including top labelling, die cut and shaped

Label Formats

Versatile label formats for maximum efficiency and productivity  

Always by Your Side

From the start to the finish, our team is with you, taking care of your equipment at every stage of the way!

Contact a Crawford Packaging Specialist today to learn more about our Linerless Label Solutions!

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