Evolution S

The World’s Fastest Single-lane Tray Sealer

Packaging Automation’s Evolution S is the result of 4 years of research and development to identify key areas where production may be slowed down throughout the entire sealing process. It is now the most advanced tray sealing machine on the market and has the fastest speed as it can seal up to 240 packs per minute in a single lane format.

The Evolution S is the latest in robotic technology and for this type of application – a first in the world. Packaging Automation’s SyncroTechnology addresses and solves all the areas that can potentially slow a typical tray sealing machine down.

Key Features

  • Syncro technologies optimize every stage of the packaging process.

  • Features the latest robotic technology to avoid any costly errors.

  • Packs 3 times faster than other top seal technology while operating in a continuous motion to have the highest output rate.

  • Has the ability to package up to 240 packs per minute

  • Enables high-speed feeding of the film for accurate and consistent printing

  • Eliminates intermittent stopping removing the need to stop to reposition the packs

  • Ability to feed a variety of film materials

  • Intelligent lighting – green when operating, yellow when idle awaiting product and red when stopped

  • Lightweight and flexible tooling

  • SyncroMotion – Packs are not required to stop, but rather accelerated with control.

  • SyncroWave – All elements of the moving phase are synchronized as packs are collected from the movers by side driving belts.

  • SyncroDrive – The elimination of transfer arms to transfer the packs, instead utilizing the side driving belts making the transfer 3 times faster with optimum accuracy.

  • SyncroFlow – Since the stop-start element has been removed, film speed is no longer affected and can be run continuously at optimal speed.

  • SyncroVision – Ensures the pack is in the correct position at each stage of the packaging process.

The Evolution S has a new operating system, called MiAssist that has clear operating visual signals and prompts. Using MiAssist the machine intuitively adapts the rate of operation to suit the rate that the machine is being fed, simplifying the operation, and maximising the machine performance.

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From the start to the finish, our team is with you, taking care of your equipment at every stage of the way!

Need help selecting a Top Sealing Machine? 

Our Packaging Specialists have a deep understanding of automated packaging equipment and the best strategies to reduce your cost per pack.

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