1. Sustainable Packaging
The demand for sustainability has taken many industries by storm, from the cars we drive, and the clothes we wear, to food we consume. Consumers, especially Millennials, are more environmentally conscious than ever before. According to 2015 Cone Communications/Ebiquity Global CSR Study, 84 percent of consumers say they seek out responsible products whenever possible.[2] 12 percent of respondents from FPA’s 2015 survey said they would pay more for a product if it was packaged in environmentally friendly packaging.[1]
As consumers seek out ways to be more environmentally friendly, selecting a product packed in sustainable packaging is an easy way for consumers to feel like they are making a difference. GrowPack Packaging offers a variety of sustainable produce packaging materials. From pulp fibre trays to films made from renewable resources.
Increased throughput
Reduced material waste
Reduced downtime
Reduced product loss
Reduced/reallocated labour
Consistent packaging