Intertape USA 2024-SB

Semi-Automatic Uniform Case Sealer

The Intertape Polymer Group (IPG), Model USA 2024-SB, is a Canadian built economically priced Uniform Case Sealer. Model USA 2024-SB semi-automatic box taping machines that is designed for long production runs of the same size boxes. The Intertape Polymer Group (IPG), USA 2024-SB Case Sealer, is a ruggedly built side belt driven carton sealing machine that comes standard with many features appealing to case sealing operators, maintenance and plant engineering personnel.


  • Side belt drive processes a wider range of cases
  • Side belts capture the case between 2 moving belts reducing the force on the case
  • Dual column for maximum processing stability
  • Slide & lock upper head simplifies case size set up
  • Selectable floating upper head processes mild overfills
  • Offset tape heads process cases as low as 2” tall


  • Min Case – (L x W x H) 6” × 3.5” × 3.5” / 8” × 8” × 2” opt
  • Max Case – (L x W x H) Inf × 20” × 24”
  • Belt Speed – 82 ft/min
  • Electric – 110v., 1ph., 60hz., 6A., (2 × ¹/3HP)
  • Tape Width 36 – 48 mm (1.5” – 2”)

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Need help selecting a Automatic Uniform Case Sealer?

Our Packaging Specialists have a deep understanding of automated packaging equipment and the best strategies to reduce your cost per pack.

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