Intertape Uniform Auto H20

USA 2024-WAT Semi-Automatic Uniform Water-Activated Tape Case Sealer

It is widely acknowledged that a case sealed with water-activated tape has a stronger, tamper resistant and secure closure. Due to a growing demand for recycled packaging, the need for a bond that will stick to corrugate cases with a high-recycled material content. This increase in cases made from recycled content and the need for a secure seal has created a need for an automated water-activated case sealer. IPG’s innovation and commitment to being the market leader in water-activated carton sealing tape has engineered a solution.

Now, closing cartons with water-activated tape is faster and easier than ever before. Interpack’s USA Series Uniform Case Sealers are adjustable, operator fed machines that process same sized Regular Slotted Containers (RSC).

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Need help selecting a Automatic Uniform Case Sealer?

Our Packaging Specialists have a deep understanding of automated packaging equipment and the best strategies to reduce your cost per pack.

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